Clearly there’s been a lag in my attention to this blog; March disappeared in desk-clearing, packing and preparing for a household move to new city, and April disappeared into a haze of moving boxes, peeling wallpaper, and trying to navigate new city. Thus there’s a backlog of things to say and books to tout, but I’ll begin May with sending you to Sappho’s Torque, the lovely and lively blog of writer Angelique Jamail. Jamail has been doing a regular feature called Women Writers Wednesdays, in which a reviewer writes about a favorite or memorable female-authored book. I leapt on the chance to laud one of my best reads of last year, What is Visible by Kimberly Elkins. I won’t rehash my accolades here; click on over to my review at Sappho’s Torque and see what other wonderful women writers you might encounter on the way. And if you find any I simply must know about, please comment here or e-mail to let me know!
Thank you so much for sharing your review on my blog! It’s compelling.